Paper folders are great, efficient machines that serve many functions, for many different industries from graphic arts thru packaging, and order fulfillment.

Slitting, perfing , and scoring blades are perfect options to add to your folder that will allow you to get the most from your folder.
Each type of blade is specially engineered to provide a specific task, the gives you more flexibly with the jobs you can run. Sometimes it is hard to know which blade is right for a piratical job below is a basic definition and outline of each blade.
Slitting blades: Slitting blades main purpose is to slit and separate an individual sheet of paper into two or more sheets. This simple but practical addition to your folding system allows your folding machine to take a two up sheet of paper, fold it and slit it giving you two sheets of folded end product from one sheet of paper. This will allow the ability of doubling your production rate. Slitting blades are also helpful in providing a finished product by trimming any unwanted waste.
Perfing blades: Perfing is a method of piercing or making a hole in a sheet of paper allowing for easier tearing and separating. These types of blades are perfect for producing products like coupons, labels, tickets and tags. Where slitting blades cut and separate paper, perf blades give your paper a defined point to separate without completely cutting the paper.
Scoring blades: Scoring blades put channel(s) or grove(s) in a sheet of paper which aid the fold to break and/or bend at that exact location. It helps with cracking problems that could arise with folding heavier stock or folding against the grain. Scoring blades allow your folder the ability to put a more precise, custom fold right where you need it.
There are many ways these specialty blades can help if you have any questions or need help in picking the right blade for your next job please call the Parts department at 1-800-543-6107.